Course image English for specific purposes -Law level 1

This course is for intermediate  learners in the field of law. It enables learners to apply law technical words  and expressions for their everyday conversation in English. 


Course image Segmental Phonetics

The broad aims of this course are to introduce you (students) to the idea of 'phonetic and phonological principles’ within the broader context of the study of language structure. Lectures will present some of the central or general concepts in phonetic and phonological analysis such as sounds of language, sound-producing systems, and sound classes. The course may also identify some structural analogies found elsewhere in linguistic structure, as well as some interactions of phonology with morphology and syntax

Course image Introduction à la Linguistique Générale

The Course aims to introduce you to language, in general, and to English linguistics, in particular. It embraces the main concerns of the linguistic field such as Language and Linguistics, Modern Linguistics, traditional grammar, Ferdinand de Saussure’s distinctions and Chomsky’s contributions. The course will also deal with some technical aspects of language study like morphology and morphological analysis to equip students with relevant background.